The next day of ΑΙΑΙ2021
With great interest stakeholders from various academic and commercial organisations participated in the two sessions of the 1st Energy Efficiency and Artificial Intelligence (ΕΕΑΙ) Workshop organised by the SIT4Energy consortium.
During the first session on Saturday 26th of June, the submitted manuscripts have been presented in a closed event following the conference’s schedule and guidelines. Five very interesting research endeavours have been presented and discussed during the session, presenting interesting findings on the use of AI in the context of energy efficiency related challenges.
The titles of the five papers presented are:
- Semantic modeling of trustworthy IoT entities in energy-efficient cultural spaces
- Short Term Net Imbalance Volume Forecasting through Machine and Deep Learning: A UK case study
- Explainable needn’t be (much) less accurate: evaluating an explainable AI dashboard for energy forecasting
- Improving Energy Efficiency in Tertiary Buildings through user-driven Recommendations delivered on optimal Micro-moments
- A Recommendation Specific Human Activity Recognition Dataset with Mobile Device’s Sensor Data
All papers are available through the proceedings of the AIAI 2021, which are published by the SPRINGER IFIP AICT Series and are available here.
The workshop continued on the next day, Sunday 27th of June, with an open session that provided insight on the SIT4Energy project and the main solutions provided. Speakers from both German and Greek partners, covered key aspects and results, emphasising on the potential of smart ICT solutions towards user-empowered energy efficiency. Towards the end, a short round table was held, discussing the business value and the market uptake of solutions similar to the ones offered from SIT4Energy.
The agenda covered was:
- Presentation of the SIT4Energy project
- Intelligent Energy Management Tools for Prosumer Scenarios
- Improved customer experience via intelligent mobile applications
- Round table discussion and Q&A