Generation of “Green habits” among young individuals
Energy efficiency and climate change are two of the most omnipresent terms one might encounter in the last couple of decades. The need to impose new regulations to decrease the pollution caused by conventional energy production is growing ever more so, with international efforts aiming towards innovation in both power production and the rationalization of the consumption of resources. With switching from using fossil fuels altogether being the logical way to go, research indicates that the use of conventional power generation methods will continue until the next two decades to come; therefore, changing the consumption behaviors of individuals has become a necessity to avoid the raising issues concerning climate change and pollution of the environment.
Having hope to change the world through the efforts of our youth; the new version of the SIT4Energy application delivers an elegant solution to a modern problem, where the younger generation of society can learn how to save up energy and money with a gamified and interactive approach. The application consists of trivia questions related to energy efficiency, which are specifically designed to raise awareness amongst students and educate them regarding common energy saving practices. On other hand, a large portion of the questions/information is dedicated towards disproving widespread energy saving myths, which many of us practice wrongfully. The tool is both aesthetically pleasing and encouraging, with its award system for students who work towards the betterment of their knowledge in practicing “Green habits”. Unlike the previous release of the SIT4Energy app, this version targets the knowledge and awareness raising factor rather than monitoring the end users’ consumption behaviors directly through sensors and rigid reporting. It is envisioned to receive a generic usage and serve numerous end-users regardless of their geographical location.
Currently the tool is at its validation phase, and we kindly invite you to download it and give a try!
Find it on Google Play Store through this link.